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Love In The Trenches (LITT™) offers support groups, recovery resources, private peer counseling, and education to parents of those who suffer with substance use disorder and to individuals who have lost a child or sibling to this disease

As parents of a child, of any age, who is in active addiction, we are walking the trenches to one outcome or another, acknowledging that the only outcome for our child is death or recovery.


This journey is painful, isolating, confusing, and often feels shameful. We are here to support one another, no matter the outcome. We are in agreement that love is at the core of our relationship with our addicted child. We are here to share our stories without shame and support one another in making healthy choices as we walk this walk. 

LITT's small informal support groups are a place to share our collective stories and experiences in order to share coping skills, networking opportunities, and recovery resources. Parents of a child who suffers from a substance use disorder, and parents who have recently lost a child to the disease of addiction now have a place to gather and begin healing.

Participants are free to attend meetings at their own convenience and as needed. All participants understand the need for confidentiality.


In addition to meetings, LITT's founding members make themselves available for one-on-one meetings with parents—a cup of coffee, a late-night phone call—whatever it takes to let a parent know LITT is here and we get it.


Erasing the shame of addiction with love, and therein lies hope. LITT™ is a voice of reason in an experience that has no reason.



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